Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Wow...this is embarassing. My last post was June 9th....June 9th!!! I did it AGAIN..what i said I wouldn't do. I wanted to never say again..again and here I am saying it again!

Time to whip myself back into shape. This morning I dropped off my son at my mom's house...for some reason she found it necessary to tell me that I had lost A LOT OF WEIGHT..Really? A Lot? How can that be since my bodies dimensions have not changed and if they had it's only for the bigger?
I've been afraid of the scale since moving out on my own and now I'm too scared that my scale obsession with frustrate my mornings like it used to.

Yes it's true..I was obsessed with the scale. A half pound difference used to make me do squats in the shower and I would weigh myself on two scales because one of them was a little bit more forgiving..especially on my "bloated" days.

More than likely..i did NOT lose A LOT of weight! or any at all. I am just wearing a well fitted outfit! and I always toy with the fact of buying my own personal scale...i haven't made my decision yet. To buy or not to buy a weight scale???????

So....my pool opened and i've been down there once. As I strip down to my bathing suit..i position myself accordingly to make sure not one person can see me from unforgiving angles! AGAIN..I ask...what's it like to put on a bathing suit and not worry about feel self concious! I will get there..I will I will...

New fellow blogger....a new inspiration to get off the couch! I wanna run 8K..can you teach me?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. welcome back you big looser....(*hopefully)..hahahah. Everyone feels self concious in a bathing suit....YOU either enjoy the summer/water and don't give a shit what people think, or....stay fully clothed and angry that you can't play!!! you choose.
