Monday, July 20, 2009

Bitter Sweet Weather

It's July 20th. I've been to my pool ONCE. Once. Because the weather has been absolute CRAP. So..this has given me an excuse to eat like the weather....CRAPPY! I'm pretty sure i've been taken advantage of this and i've been using it as an excuse, but on some level i'm a little happy when I have to tell my son "sorry honey, the pool's closed cause it's raining"...or..."it's too windy sweety" -- truth is..the freaking pool is heated!!! and it's not THAT cold...there were a couple times i could have brought him..there i admit it.

Over the last week..i've indulged in vietnemese pad thai and a huge piece of chocolate cake from Boston Pizza..not to mention the chinese food takeout..and then chinese takeout for lunch the next day...OH and i forgot the margharitas..sangria's....burgers..doritos...olive bread with asiago cheese x10 and that tiramisu and keylime pie...oh and left over food from my son's plate ALL THE TIME.

Back to the lean cuisines for's incoming nutrigrain bar and weight watchers meal with a diet coke!!! BORING. Id rather have some olive bread and asiago cheese dip..mmm

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