Thursday, August 27, 2009

My New Journey!!!

Booked a flight to Vegas today!! Holy Shit.... I haven't been away for over really damn long ass time. So i'm super excited and this has motivated me to eat healthier than ever. The fact that I am travelling with two mini girls might have something to do with it. But all in all..i think this is a great reason to start off right....AGAIN.'s August 27 and I leave October 2nd. That gives me 36 days to COUNT IT DOWN. My goal is to eat and exercise like i used too. I have some great videos a dungeon basement and kitchen of my very own to make sure this happens.
Weaknesses ---- chocolate...drinking...granola truck...and not working out.
This has to change....AGAIN. Also..there's now mobile postings..I'm gonna try to see how that works....
Stay posted for my journey to VEGASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

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