Friday, May 29, 2009

Holiday Inn....Why do we need a snack every hour?

Three days in a Sales Conference...I am proud to say i put myself there...and for the first day I did avoid the morning, mid morning, lunch time dessert, and mid afternoon SNACK. What's the purpose of this anyway..does the cookie have to be that big? I wish they shaped snacks to mimic the way they attach themselves to your body. Eg...If that chocolate chip cookie was shaped like huge butt with cellulite and hips then I'd think twice about eating it. Come to think of it..i didn't actually eat the cookie but on the third day i could NOT resist the was DAMN GOOD and just what i needed on a Thursday afternoon at 3:00pm.

Needless to say there was absolutely no way for me to say no to the mini chocolate croissants on the third day either..they'd been calling my name for 2 days straight and the fruit bowl that i had on the first two days just didn't look good AT ALL.

Back to lean cuisines and granola bars really need to shake it up a bit.

Hopefully i will not consume too much alcohol this weekend. I really don't think I'll be prepared for my pool opening and that BLOWS...since I'd like to feel comfortable running after my son.

I'll keep you posted!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Would you rather Apple or Pear?

Am currently discussing with my good friend what would you rather? Belly Buldge or Cottage Cheese Butt? Wow...those both sound gross! But it seems like we either have one or the other (in most cases)...Currently, i carry like a Pear or Triangle..or i like to say "just not pretty"..but i would much rather have a nice butt and legs cause (to me) you can hide a little belly buldge much easier...AND I THINK IT LOOKS CUTE! i know i know...weird but true.
I think this fight depends on how you carry currently...cause you always want what you can't have..ALTHOUGH, i have no clue why anyone would want Rhino Butt!
It's my day 2 of hard boiled eggs instead of granola bar breakfast...They are good and good for you and full of protein so they keep you full long.
Last night's dinner was deeeelish! Did i over indulge? maybe on the bread basket..but all in all..i definitely had room for more. Mind/body will happen forever and i need to get used to it.
Today's lunch is - Weight Watcher Meal..surprise surprise...AND i found a new high fibre nature valley granola bar that doesn't make me feel ill like the rest of them anymore...YAY!
ANYWAY, i will keep you posted on my lack of dungeon life. This weekend i need to get down there FO SHO!!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009


This is my last...again..k! I am going to seriously get my act together..if i'm not perfect then atleast to make some better choices.
Incoming: 2 hard boiled eggs, water, tea, diet pepsi, and 4 point weightwatchers meal.
I'm gonna do my best to fill up on protein as it satisies you longer.

HOWEVER...tonight may be a different story as I am anticipating a large dinner filled with pasta and maybe some wine. Hopefully my portions do not go out of control.....ALSO...tonight is the beginning of So You Think You Can Dance...WOOOWHOOOO!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Can you do that with dieting? a "do-over". Start from the beginning....again?
Cottage weekend return to reality....those calories from the cottage really DO count!!! Although I did not consume a lot of calories in alcohol..for some reason unknown...i can't say i was following any kind of meal plan...AT ALL.

Burgers, chips, hot dogs, smartfood.....NOT GOOD.

So i start over....again. There was a time when i had a realllly young son..and i was able to follow a diet and go to the gym....i'm not sure what got in the way but i want that i'm gonna get it back...again! and hopefully never have to write the word again, again! Get it?
Tomorrow night...dungeon...i take visitors...all are welcome!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I AM a Big Loser

Remember when I wrote that post about remotivation? because of watching the Biggest Loser....? Well I went to the TFC game last night and had a hot dog with two beers...YEEEEEAH! How about "I wanna be a hypocrite?" hmmm....
Maybe it wasn't that bad since i had a weight watchers meal for lunch ...again. But it can't be on my diet itineray.

Right now i have 25 minutes left at work before a 4 day wknd at the cottage where junk food is inevitable. HOPEFULLY..i will "remember" to take my running shoes so that I can take advantage of the northern air...I hope to drag along some of my friends also on this jog! I guess I should tell them that! I WILL try to not overdue the camp fire snacks..but i can't make any the cottage your clothes have elastic waist bands so they grow with you..not against you...maybe i'll wear my spanx all weekend for a reminder of what i hate to see in the mirror!!! I'm pretty sure the next time I go up it'll be hot enough to remove a layer of clothing...WOULDN'T IT BE NICE JUST ONCE TO NOT BE SELF CONCIOUS??? what is that like? i can't even fathom it!
If I go to the cottage on a strict diet...i'll fail and feel like crap....if i stay on the diet..i'll feel like there a vicious circle going on here? i think so....dieting is like the pink elephant in the room you try to forget about but it's always there behind your pink elephant is behind me looks like a bum! it is a bum!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Last night i watched The Biggest Loser Finale...where the winner lost over 130lbs. At one time she lost 14lbs in one WEEK...ONE WEEK...WTF. After my fajita dinner i was remotivated to get back on the band wagon. I guess that's the purpose of the show and I fell for it..but come on...if all i want to lose is the infamous 10-15 lbs...the only thing that's stopping me is "the fight with my mind..not my body" -said the 63 year old at home winner who dropped over 54% of his own body weight!!!! Look at this pic...look at it..this woman is 48 years old!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Am still....

Am still having myself a happy period! Well my stomach is definitely satisfied anyway. Why am I a bottomless pit right now? oh i know why? Cause i'm a woman!

This weekend wasn't as bad as it probably could have been....I avoided the Mother's day take out chinese meal by cooking veggies and chicken for the fam! I'll leave out the Strawberry Shortcake..i finished my son's piece! On Saturday my "friend/sabotager" twisted my arm to McD's drive through...hahaha...i don't know if it was a twisted arm or I just said "sure"...but i'm gonna say it was a "twist my arm" kind of occurence. I had a Quarter Pounder sans cheese! Apparantly they "sans'd" everything else..there was NOTHING ON MY QUARTER POUNDER. I think i saw a pickle..but i wasn't sure! My "friend/sabotoger" was blessed with a double quarter pounder with all my toppings...but it was tossed out the window...literally!

I've been lacking in the dungeon department. I will definitely go down there today and run my butt off....i'm just so damn tired! and i'm still having myself a happy period! By the way....yesterday's Mother's day breakfast was Egg's Benedict and Home Fries...NOT A DIET MEAL.

Today's Incoming:
Granola bar x2
Weight Watcher's Meal
Coffee.....will definitely be getting a Diet Coke off the truck's THIRD stop to my building!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Have yourself a happy period!!!

My time of the month MUST be coming shortly...enough said!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Work Getting In The Way!!!

Can you believe i haven't sat down to write a blog. Does my work think that they actully pay me for 8 hours a day...Couping me up in a board meeting and asking me to pay attention when there is donuts a foot away from my face.... We need to back track though!

Monday night -- i WENT TO THE DUNGEON BELOW AGAIN..and ran and ran and ran..and I have a witness too! After running, the honeydew that i cut up pre run was a great snack and I wasn't even hungry after so I went to bed feeling FANTASTIC.

Started off the day with coffee and a fiber one bar! There were 24 donuts in my face ALL DAMN MORNING..the smell of cinnamon and the fried can you resist? Somehow I did...i know i know...i didn't even eat a timbit. I waited for break and made a pkg of cinnamon oatmeal and was sa-tis-fied!!!! Lunch was brought in and we had to work right through it...dammit! We had Extreme Pita..Instead of the Chicken Caesar I opted for Falafal...not a good choice but come one...i can't turn down falafel....especially since i didn't have a donut.

Sales Meeting Team Building Night ---BOWLING...HOW ORIGINAL! Before bowling where i knew there'd be pizza wings and everything fried...the "girls" and myself at work went to Mr. Greek!!!!! I had a gyro dinner...okay maybe not the best choice again...but it was good and it was 5:30..and comeon..i didn't eat a donut!!!!!!!

Wednesday morning sales meeting ---- coffee and digestive cookies!!!! I LOVE DIGESTIVE COOKIES IN MY COFFEE AND NEEDLESS TO SAY I HAD SOME....some..not one! I also had some fibre waffles in the car on my way to work and a nutrigrain bar at break. Lunch was Swiss Duck where i opted for salad but had some of my associates fries ...just because!!!!
On the way home...i was a little pissed to find out that I probably didn't get the job that i went for...apparantly third party personality tests don't think i have a personality....FUNNY HOW PPL JUDGE PERSONALITY THROUGH A FREAKING COMPUTER....don't get me started...i guess references and a great interview can't get you involved and maybe i should have lied on the "personality" tests!!!! ANYWAY....the stupid Wendy's girl smiled at me and christian and i had a hamburger ...with salad....i'm trying to force myself down to the dungeon but i'm so damn tired and last night i got 6 hrs of sleep...UGH!

Goal for Thursday ----- Get down to the workout dungeon and eat fruit....and drink more aqua!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Monday night approaching 7pm (the devil hours of prime time tv where the snacks are close)

So somehow I managed not to binge at home while making dinner. Okay i had some soda crackers but 8 of those are like 1 point on weight watchers.

I did however make a tofu stir fry...i may have used a bit too much teriyaki sauce but whatevs! Even my vegen son ate the stir fry and apparantly he loved it. I cut up the half of honeydew melon left in my fridge so i can eat it after my workout instead of pringles....i am a bit full and need to digest my dinner before heading down to the dungeon of pain...but i will get there...HOPEFULLY! it's so damn close..i really have no excuse...except..i'm not too sure how to cook tofu and mybelly hurts a bit!!! wah wah wah

Seems like someone has a case of the Monday's!!!

Back track weekend incoming:
Friday after 5:00pm I made veggie stir fry for me and my sis (who just joined Weight Watchers online) Except she came over late and i was starving so i had a piece of leftover pizza. boo...and then..i got the kids some chips and i had 1 or 3 OKAY!

ANYway...Saturday's pregym plan was scrambled eggs and salsa and post gym was chicken noodle soup...then i went to my sisters starving and had some handfuls of rice crispies...followed by a night of pizza and chicken risotto from Alice Fazooli's....MMMMM.....but i worked out that day so it's okay right?

By the legs and ass are killing me (i love it_my favorite feeling) HOWEVER..i did have some alcoholic beverages on Saturday night..but one night a week isn't bad right?

Sunday can't even remember what i ate.. timbits from the 20 pack i brought to my nephews
1 slice whole wheat bread with a tablespoon of PB and J
Some pasta with brocolli i was feeding Pearce
a Granola Bar
Mortadela slices left over from Christian's plate
English muffin with tomato and fat free cheese slice.

TONIGHT'S GOAL IS GYM...HOPEFULLY IT WILL OCCUR! you run towards mirrors down there...NOT A PRETTY SIGHT!

Almost forgot Monday's Incoming So Far:
Granola Fiber One Bar
Coffee -- milk & splenda
Weight Watchers Frozen Meal 6 points
Diet Pepsi...and water...

So far pretty legs and ass still hurt YAY

Saturday, May 2, 2009

I DID IT....

So...i finally went down to the dungeon below....and ran for 20 minutes straight while my son gave me water periodically and asked when i was gonna be done.

4.0-4.6 20 minutes NO STOPPING...and that a looooong time after my regular workout days. The gym is good and has everything i need including NO PEOPLE! love love love.

My next task is to find a great workout for a workout gym that lies below in the dungeon as well. Found my way to the squash courts and kicked a ball around with Christian who loves the echoes......

This morning's incoming --- 2 eggs and egg white scrambled with fat free cheese slice...and far so good.

now i'm hungry though :( story of my life

Friday, May 1, 2009


Friday is the best day EVER! Yes, i failed to mention my pizza dinner last night! But it was thin it doesn't count...right?

Today for lean cuisine..i mean lunch...was a 6 point was actually good but now it's 2:53 and i'm STARVING! Everyone in this office has a drawer full of crapola that i'd love to eat and cant. I just missed the truck. So now when i get home..i may binge...but i'm aware and hopefully this will deter me...Tonight i will have stirfry with my vegetarian son who would rather eat salad then McDonald's french fries!! I He definitely didn't get that from moi!

Granola Bar
Lean Cuisine
Coke Zero x1
No wonder i'm hungry!

MAY 1ST?????????

Where did May come from? this is rediculous! I only have 30 days til pool opening and as of right now...i turn my head before i see a mirror!!!!

Apple for breakfast - not in a package steps...
This weekend i have no hopefully the alcohol intake will be minimal and i can spare some calories to my ASS! Went shopping yesterday and spend $197.00 at H&M...not good and hopefully the skinny mirror in the dressing room wasn't too far off! Those people do that on purpose..i wonder what reeeeealy skinny people see in that skinny mirror? Another lean cuisine for lunch...that's 5 in a row...kind of grose but they actually taste pretty good and i'm saving money on leaving for lunch! My goal is to get into the Gym that is two floors below my condo this weekend.....let's see what happens!