Monday, May 4, 2009

Seems like someone has a case of the Monday's!!!

Back track weekend incoming:
Friday after 5:00pm I made veggie stir fry for me and my sis (who just joined Weight Watchers online) Except she came over late and i was starving so i had a piece of leftover pizza. boo...and then..i got the kids some chips and i had 1 or 3 OKAY!

ANYway...Saturday's pregym plan was scrambled eggs and salsa and post gym was chicken noodle soup...then i went to my sisters starving and had some handfuls of rice crispies...followed by a night of pizza and chicken risotto from Alice Fazooli's....MMMMM.....but i worked out that day so it's okay right?

By the legs and ass are killing me (i love it_my favorite feeling) HOWEVER..i did have some alcoholic beverages on Saturday night..but one night a week isn't bad right?

Sunday can't even remember what i ate.. timbits from the 20 pack i brought to my nephews
1 slice whole wheat bread with a tablespoon of PB and J
Some pasta with brocolli i was feeding Pearce
a Granola Bar
Mortadela slices left over from Christian's plate
English muffin with tomato and fat free cheese slice.

TONIGHT'S GOAL IS GYM...HOPEFULLY IT WILL OCCUR! you run towards mirrors down there...NOT A PRETTY SIGHT!

Almost forgot Monday's Incoming So Far:
Granola Fiber One Bar
Coffee -- milk & splenda
Weight Watchers Frozen Meal 6 points
Diet Pepsi...and water...

So far pretty legs and ass still hurt YAY

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